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myreg=new regexp("lycos.fr","i"); if ( !myreg.test("'"+top.location+"'") ) { nwreg=new regexp ("http://([^/]+)?(/([a-z0-9a-z-_]+)?[^']+)","i"); rn=nwreg.exec("'"+self.location+"'"); if (parent.frames.length==2) { top.location="http://" + rn[1] + rn[2]; } else { top.location="http://" + rn[1] + "/" + rn[3]; } } if(window == window.top) { var address=window.location; var s=''+''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''; document.write(s); } french steam compound locomotives home. welcome! welcome to the french compound locomotives' homepage & steam locomotives virtual museum avertissement à l'usage des visiteurs francophones. "archeology is honored in every domain, except for building processes and arts; we know more details about the egyptian and babylonian civilisations that about the origins of our industries. universities chairs exists for each history segment except for history of technical applications of sciences." anatole mallet, introduction of his book "l'évolution pratique de la machine à vapeur" published in 1908. updated may 3rd., 2000 last news new pages: history of compound system, continuation, by a. chapelon. chapelon's correspondence. live steam models of french locomotives. also a poll of visitors: what to add first to enhance these pages? hi, steam enthusiasts from all over the world! all my apologies for the very poor english!! click here to jump the following blablah this site was at first intended to be mainly dedicated to andré chapelon's revolutionary creations. as you may know, he is the first to have successfully applied compounding to locomotives.  he obtained  equal power from the high and low pressure cylinders when pre-chapelon machines (the better ones, at least) had about 75% of their total power produced by the high pressure cylinder(s) and only the remaining 25% by the low pressure cylinders... click here if you want to know a bit more about my intentions. i sincerely hope you'll enjoy and have a great time visiting this site! visit often, frequent updates. compound locomotives: why a brief (hum!) introduction to the advantages and benefits of (efficient) compound systems applied to locomotives based on stephenson's concepts (well documented arguments and examples extracted from andre chapelon's books, conferences, experiments, reports and letters), as well as other reasons that research for greater efficiency was so strongly supported here in france. there are historic, scientific, economic, political, geographic, and even philosophical reasons. & how condensed technical history of french and foreign pre-chapelon compound locomotive designers whose work led to the "du bousquet-de glehn" french standard arrangement for compound locomotives. designers andré chapelon gaston du bousquet anatole mallet featured locomotives french steam picture gallery text only version of the pictures gallery page (for faster loading) technical data index index of technical drawings and graphs, indicator diagrams, ... miscellaneous short history and description of railroad companies in france typically french accessories visible on pics, for those who are curious audio files a few words about french numbering systems glossary of french acronyms used live steam models of french locomotives f.a.q. learn the right way to operate well-designed single or dual expansion engines for maximum efficiency, minimum water consumption and minimum engine, mechanism  and chassis wear, as defined and taught by chapelon. superiority of his methods has been largely proven by 40 years of use in france with thousands of engines, and it has been fully demonstrated by mathematical models as well.  very unexpected for experienced, non-french steam locomotive drivers. they may learn they have always driven poorly designed machines! or used good ones inefficiently. search or ask me technical information, drawings, ... steam locomotive basics (for beginners and children...) guestbook favourites links about steam: french international other links of interest to me... along  a  release 1.0 beta or higher. site designed and build by thierry stora. i support: click the ribbon for more info. all written material copyright thierry stora 1997, 98, 99, 2000. all rights reserved. reproduction, translation, total or partial on any media absolutely forbidden without preliminary permission and agreement. first creation: july 1st., 1998 last revision: march 17th, 2000 all the pictures, drawings and sound recordings contained on this site are believed to belong to the public domain (mainly from the archives of involved railroad companies), or to history (please note: capital h) of sciences and technologies. but if i stole anything unintentionally, i will remove the concerned material from these pages as soon as i am informed about it. webmaster contact: please update your address book! new e-mail address!! this site is and will be under construction for a long time, may be the kind of never finished work... sorry for any inconvenience. all participation ,contribution , comments, criticism or help to keep this site alive most welcome! visitors since 07/24/98 thanks to all the great enthusiasts photographers who made those excellent pics (a list of names will come). my muse (and mother of my son adrien) magali, also my precious daughters charlotte and clémentine. caffeïne and paracetamol for their constant help. chers amis francophones: ce site a pour vocation de mettre à disposition de toute personne ou institution interessée par la question de la documentation: iconographie, informations historiques, documentation technique, ... sur les locomotives à vapeur françaises en général et sur les locomotives compound en particulier, en attachant une attention toute particulière à l'évolution des connaissances humaines en matière de physique et de thermodynamique liées à la conception de celles-ci. ayant pû constater avec horreur la très faible quantité (pour ne pas dire l'inexistence) d'informations disponible sur le net concernant ce chapitre selon moi passionnant de notre histoire des sciences et des techniques - un grand bravo au passage au c.n.a.m. ainsi qu'à toutes les institutions françaises concernées, grandes écoles d'ingénieur, musées soi-disant scientifiques et techniques,etc. pour l'extrème nullité de leurs prestations, en particulier sur le net - car la france a été à ma connaissance le seul pays ou ce mode de fonctionnement a pû être  appliqué aux locomotives avec le succès que l'on connait grâce aux recherches accomplies dans les domaines de la mécanique des fluides et de la thermodynamique par plusieurs générations de physiciens et d'ingénieurs français pour la plupart, le pauvre  - au sens propre comme au sens figuré - passionné que je suis à nourri l'impudent et ambitieux projet de combler cette lacune en mettant à la disposition de la communaute internationale (d'où la langue anglaise) les informations que j'ai amassé depuis environ 35 ans sur ce sujet. je pense qu'il est assez aisé pour le francophone moyen de se documenter sur nos locomotives, sur leurs créateurs ainsi que sur la "toile de fond" scientifique et technique européenne liée aux machines à vapeur en général, et ne publierai donc ce site qu'en anglais, dans l'optique d'une diffusion de  ces information hors de nos frontières, ce qu'aucun français (sous entendu quelqu'un pouvant avoir un accès direct à l'information) n'avait songé à faire me semble t'il, même pas sur un média traditionnel. le cas échéant, je serai heureux de communiquer à qui me le demandera toutes les informations bibliogarphiques en ma possession sur le sujet. les ouvrages en français récents ou actuels sont en général excellents si l'on omet les quelques articles d'ou transparaissent tout à la fois une certaine gêne ainsi qu'un manque d'objectivité évident que l'organe "officiel" de notre sucursalle nouvelle du crétinisme français - chapelon dixit - a condescendu à publier sous la pression de ses lecteurs, et je n'ai pas la prétention ni les moyens en temps de vouloir rivaliser avec leurs auteurs.   qu'on se le dise!! 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